Sunday, September 19, 2010

Beauty Sculpture

My beauty sculpture was a flop! If you don't like excuses you're probably not going to want to read this blog entry. The sculpture was due last Monday, and officially assigned either the Wednesday or Friday before it. I spent the weekend working on an autocadded design that I would use the laser cutter to cut out on ply wood. I got all my supplies (and even some I didn't need, like a heat gun), and finally when Monday came around I couldn't turn on my computer to get the file. I later found out it had over heated, burned something out, and ruined the battery (which isn't cool because the new battery was expensive).

I scrambled for an idea and finally ended up using the basic idea behind an old project I did for Rodney Hill's class durning my first semester of freshman year. I spent all of Monday morning and afternoon re-drawing my project, and finally I had it laser cut it.

Only it would have been too easy if my problems had stopped there. The laser cutter malfunctioned and outlined some of my pieces twice, making them the wrong shapes. It also didn't completely cut through the ply wood in some places, while burning through others.

Believe it or not this was the same piece of wood! 

I've assembled what I could of the sculpture, and while it doesn't look horrible, I don't think it's up to par with what I can do. I'm still trying to figure out what might salvage this sculpture without having to buy $30 worth of ply wood again, or completely starting over.

As of right now, this is what I have.

Lesson learned: save everything to a USB drive.

1 comment:

  1. It came out well. You need to put it into a strong directional light and look at the shadows.
